domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

Sistemathic mistake of Monetary System of Central Bank based in NO PATTERN(Gold,silver,etc)

I APOLOGIZE BEFORE PROCEEDING BUT I CAN NOT PROVE IT TO BE READ, BUT IS WHY comes from several reliable sources SHOULD BE CONSIDERED "FICTION" (for legal reasons and that Rothschild is very dangerous)

There is a little known fact but true: in the Middle Ages the Church persecuted usury and condemned as sin, although usury was exercised by Jews and was condoned by the Church, the Crown and society, not as a privilege but as something unworthy although it is somewhat paradoxical today see so at a great banquero.Se could say that the modern economy is a Semitic invention, which is aimed at maximum enrichment of an individual or group of them at the expense of others; this can be seen in the merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, for example.At this point, I propose GAME: my bet one euro to 1 US silver dollar (the euro is not made of gold or silver), because I trust my euro and that is the basis of the economy.If I told you that the economy is a giant with feet of clay probably I would not believe me and so give an example:Today everywhere buying gold, then melted and sent to Switzerland for centuries almacenarlo.Hace money was gold and silver, plus copper or bronze, but the appearance of the first airline to trade (the idea Marco Polo brought from China, where they used a piece of paper with the imperial seal, this trust to which the value of a piece of paper) Trust is the cornerstone of the economy.To explain what I say I propose GAME: If we propose a tournament of any game (chess, checkers, ludo, poker, etc) in Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States with a prize for the winner of 3 billion US dollars (not silver) and set an entry to the tournament 1 silver dollar, began to dwindle silver dollars and increase their value and even manufactured new; but ... the US has gold reserves in Fort Knox, not enough money to create silver dollars at the end ...... so if millions of people want to play could not do so because their money is no silver dollars, the population would realize that their money (normal dollars) are not trusted and the government would fall .... and all for a game.I Think about my bet remains: 1 euro against 1 silver dollar ... do you have silver dollars?Seriously, the Rothschild family are ahkenazis Jews (a large country in northern Europe in the Middle Ages who converted to Judaism not by faith but by greed and other interests, rather than to other religions) the history of the house Rothschild Andrew Carrington Hitchcock published it (I do not agree with his politics or personal opinion about Jews or communists only recommend his book as "objective" historical work) of the Rothschilds I will try it imperative for the article.The Rothschilds family currently controls ALL Central Banks World, including the US Federal Reserve and Bank of England (minus 9: Russia, China, Iceland, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and Hungary), also it has control more than 90% of global gold reserves, mass media, global mining, etc.Su fortune is estimated at $ 500 trillion over a lot that Bill Gates but they since the late nineteenth century forbade publishing data, so the public quimera.Como generally create a story about the Central Banks and the Rothschilds: "we the people, we have no money: one metal and / or paper, is Rothschild who gives a fictitious value because the Real World money is theirs."Explain how the Monetary System central bank operates without pattern is complex to understand but to explain it simply, in the system create money issuing bank or central bank (coins or bills) / physical money, and private banks that are licensed to create fictitious money / (loans, credits, etc.), then the play money becomes real and the process becomes more printing money or issuing bank accounting scoring numbers in a private bank system generates money exponentially, depending on the supply and demand, except that there is less supply unless it is destroyed and no one will give up his money, in principle, in a capitalist system out of the market for the system to work properly: When was the gold standard by destroying a lot of money from a private bank he was handed a certain amount of gold equivalente.Pero the Rothschilds had the monopoly of Central Banks and gold, in the 20s before this problem and not knowing what to give in return for the money destroyed those private banks, Rothschild decided to let that systemic errors continue generating money supply to infinity, the banks before much money decided to get profitability and made loans to their customers who have invested in the stock market, in addition to them also investments, the excessively inflated values ​​for a short period but then won was a complete crack the 1929, customers lost their farms or homes because they can not pay their loans and it was a nacional.La subprime crisis is another example of this systemic error with excess supply of money in private banks because destruction of large amounts of dinero.Existen other cases such as the crisis with the US Subprime suffered in Spain, where excess money supply in the German private banks had to seek a niche market where obtaining profitability and lent large amounts of money to Spanish banks giving mortgage credits, and of all kinds, with great ease until the "housing bubble" curious .What all this is ballooned the culprits but are really Rothschilds, nobody knows, so for everyone are banks or real estate or any other, because nobody knows the system does not work without patron.Bueno if there is a method but it is a little strange.In short, after counting the number of bills in the US, it can be determined that they have not destroyed even the old (prior to the new printing), adding the fictitious or virtual money, the $ would be worth almost nothing because there is a so immense number of dollars that GDP or economic indicator used to compensate its value would remain practically 0.Antes tell me anything, in the case of the euro, it would not be supported equally by the GDP of several different countries, with different sectors, despite that there are an immense amount of euros tending to infinity and Rothschilds also destroys large amounts of money to avoid systemic error as the supply tends to infinity on the part of private banks that accumulate dinero.Les I confess one thing money is supposed to be used to purchase goods and services, but private bankers when they have a lot of money not think about acquiring these goods and services but more money in gold or so not funciona.Alguno / as have thought that private bankers can buy gold themselves than their share in a gold standard system to destroy the dinero.Pues should not do the Central Bank or Issuer because otherwise the seller of gold would have that money in the system, mientra that if I had done the Bank Central Issuer or give them gold and destroy the money, leaving the system stabilized.At first they said the economy is a giant with feet of clay, it is possible the destruction of the large amount of money you have the no gold standard private banks using patron of goods and services: Private banks consume goods and services to give customers if they perform deposits, deposits, also consume office supplies, etc; I suppose that central banks and private banks may enter into cooperative arrangements with other with producers who have to commute his proportionate share in taxes or Social Security, thus it eliminates the amount of money the system without gold and using goods and / or possible servicios.Es the government confiscates the money to the banks but in principle goes against logic, it is also possible in a war cost the same money would serve to destroy not issuing bonds war and establishing clear especiales.Pero taxes that would not touch the Rothschilds, once they know everything, the ideal is to destroy the system $ 500 trillion, and would be cleaned for several decades in the US.It is said, do not affirm only provided it anecdotally, that the Rothschilds could have sunk the Titanic intentionally with explosives so that one or several of their agents "eliminasen" (assassinate) influencers US Treasury (Central Bank because there was no Federal reserve) based on the gold standard that was opposed to model Rothschild.Yo I think insurance should also be competition or the company Rothschild Titanic was competition from a large transatlantic ships or Rothschild to deserve such punishment attack but it is a theory, I can not prove.There are several methods to correct this systemic error, before which not acted as it should eliminate monetary mass, the first is the World War or armed conflict importanes involving the destruction of goods and services, resulting in loss of wealth in the countries, there is possibility of the gold standard and convert excess money supply from private banks in gold (but there is no longer any pattern), to choose a more convenient serious pqtron silver being more scarce and that gold can be achieved by a process lead while silver will not and finally offer private banks from the Central Bank goods and services to be exchanged for the excess money to destroy it through agreements with manufacturers for these banks the offer to their customers as incentives to open deposits or new accounts, ejemplo.Este systemic error in synthesis is that money creates exponentially to infinity in a short time if not removed from the system by the Central Bank but pattern is not possible simply and that does not exist simple method to destroy redemption money from private banks by the central bank, as counterpart could only patron in a system without offering money in exchange for money, which is absurd and does not solve the problem.

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